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Fsx Pro Atc X: How to Install, Configure and Use the ATC Add-On


Yes you are. ProATC/X. I'm pretty sure doesn't use FSUIPC or WideFS. If the ProATC/X folks won't help (which is unusual as they've always been very helpful to my observation0, you'd probably be better off in the FSX Forum on AVSIM

Fsx Pro Atc X

Hi,Using P3Dv5 HF2 in Win 10 Pro Version 1909 Build 18363.900, at default airport EGLC for the flight with no ATC response using Aerosoft CRJ-900 Pro, most recent version.When activating the flight EGLC to EGPH the usual PRO-ATC menu appears and, for the sake of troubleshooting I have it in static display. The message indicates that ATIS is tuned in and Clearance needs to be tuned in. When this is done, and clearance is requested, the request is made audibly. However, there is no response from ATC. Bringing up the menu again and requesting Flight Information, reveals that PRO-ATC has not registered the switch to delivery frequency and still "thinks" that ATIS is tuned. It doesn't matter how the radio is tuned, auto or manual, or from where, the tuning is not registered. To rule out the airport, I loaded PMDG QOTSII 747-8, into the spot at EGLC (!). No problems with ATC. To rule out CRJ-900, I loaded Aerosoft Airbus 319 Pro at EGLC and also discovered no problem with ATC.

My assessment, then is that there is an issue in the CRJ that I cannot resolve. I have posted the issue on the Pointsoft PRO-ATC website with attched log files of the failed CRJ (029) and successful Airbus (033), in case this gives some clue to the problem. The log files are, I imagine, of no use to support on this forum.

CRJ sets the frequenciy in P3D. This is tested, works and can be verified (the frequency displays in RTU, BTU and FMS show the actual P3D frequencies and not my own internal variables). PRO-ATC/X get its information from P3D then. There is no such thing like direct simconnect "channel" between the CRJ and PRO-ATC/X.

Well, I respect your expertise as the developer, but the folks at PRO-ATC seem to think that the problem must lie with the CRJ. I must confess I have no clue. It is the only aircraft I have added to P3Dv5 HF2 which doesn't respond, the recent addition of PMDG's 737 NGXu included.

At the suggestion of Thomas at Pointsoft, I disabled the tuning of Com radio by the "Co-pilot" turning control over to the pilot. This solved the com problem and I can now obtain and hear Clearance Delivery. It did, however turn up what appears to be another problem. The Com radio will not tune to 118.07 but goes straight from 118.065 to 118.075. This occurs for all Com frequencies regardless of digit sequences whenever changing through xxx.x65 in effort to reach xxx.x70.

I found one website where they actually list 3 digits: and the tower frequency is 118.075 there. Just 2 digits is simply not enough for 8.333kHz frequencies as there are 118.060 and 118.065 for example. These would both show as 118.06.

Bonjour,peux-tu me confirmer certaines interrogations ...- utilisation avec les touches du clavier - la plupart du temps mon anglais n'est pas compris ! pourtant je fais des efforts.- les AI et mon avion sont bien pris en compte par le logiciel surtout pour les SID et STAR Claude

Tool bar implementation is very strikt and so easy for a lot of addons to realize. Otherwise a loot more addons would use that. I dont know P2ATC but a big difference between FSHud and PRO ATC is - FSHud directly manages/injects the traffic itself and has more control over it, but looks a little bit stuttery on the ground. PRO ATC has a nice flight planning module. I just released my First Impression Video in German Language - but you could see the UI for instance and some options.

At 1:54:00 the ATC called for a left turn heading 280, but that made no sense and then they started giving him a bunch of other vectors which he ultimately seemed to ignore and just got back on the flight plan. Reminds me of default ATC

But they forgot to mention pilots who take flying seriously, but enjoy the escapism and dont want to hear someone chattering and babbling on the whole time, telling me what to do and how to fly my airplane nonstop - instead of letting the autopilot follow my carefully pre-planned flight plan.

I didnt follow taxi instruction cause I got lost^^. Additionally I am in SU 10 Beta and I got not the right gates for EDDB in the Database of Pro ATC. I think it has problems to read out some airports due to the missing content.xml. That could be the reason for the wrong gate in the video you saw. It would be cool if someone who is still in SU9 could check out, if after the import the gates of 3rd party airports are correctly imported too.

Laminar are well aware of the ATC, as it stands if your aiport has no tower you have no ATC. Austin mentioned an update in teher videos, should be in te h11.1 BEta amongst some other goodies, this should allow ATC at non towered airport with AI. I dont believe that AI will spawn at non towered airports at teh moment.

I did tried pilot 2 atc and it was ok for the fact it cost 60 dollars while x plane should provide almost the same type of ATC for their simulations. I do really enjoy flying the X Plane even since v9 got lot of relaxing time doing it.

124thATC has been working for me from XP10 where I started and all the way through XP11 (I have not downloaded the XP beta). I suggest downloading and re-installing it again. Perhaps you had a corrupted copy.

I've been using the stock ATC system for over a decade now and I want something that has more realism to it. I have heard some good things about Pro ATC X but I want to hear what you guys have to say.

The voices used are actually a string of recorded .wav files, but somehow manage to seem less "robotic" than the text-to-speech engine, which is used by a lot of other ATC Addons. There's also more third party voice sets available to download to break up some of the monotony of hearing the same few voices over and over.

The "background ATC" is also a nice touch, but are just loops of real world controller sound files, and do get a little monotonous after awhile. In fact there's a running joke when flying over France that there's a pilot requesting a diversion to Marseille... Did he get there? Nobody knows!

You can import pln files as well, much like you do with ActiveSky. Tuning ATC frequencies in the aircraft links with the radio stack. The only slight oddity is with the FSL products where you have to bind a "com swap" button, because ProATCX doesn't pick up on the fact that you've clicked the com swap button in the VC, but works flawlessly in every other aircraft.

There's not been an update in awhile, but largely because "it just works", and is largely "feature complete". The last update they did, focused on the phraseology, so is now a nice learning tool for flying within the EU on VATSIM.

There were several reasons for it. In the practical manner, the tool worked fine until handing over to initial approach. Here the drama usually started. Transition to final approach fix were rather strange in my humble opinion. So if you want to use it for training, you won't be happy with it.

The other reason why I stopped using it, was the stagnating development. Until mid summer 2019 I missed something like a development approach to FSLabs. Okay an update for the bird was announced, but this announcement was already 1 1/2 years old. If you like, I can check the member' s forum whether there were some progresses in this matter.

As one of the recorded voice sets I can confirm I am human and not robotic. The instructions are clear, concise and change for FAA and ICAO areas. Two real-world AT Controllers verified all instructions are correct. 2ff7e9595c


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